This is about half of them. See why I don't think they'd sell at a garage sale?
If you are interested make me an offer, even if it's just to pay shipping. I mostly just want to find them good homes. :) Most of the ones that are in 'good' condition have their cover cut and a big stamp that says "NOT FOR RESALE" on the side, but not all.
Simontacchi, Carol _The Crazy Makers_ (good condition)
Williams, Juan _Eyes On The Prize_
Bennet Jr, Leron _The Shaping of Black America_ (good)
Weisbrot, Robert _Freedom Bound_ (good)
Salt, Henry _Animals' Rights_ (hardcover, good)
Fanon, Franz _Black Skin, White Masks_ (good)
Mapplethorpe, Robert _Black Book_ (good)
Reed, Evelyn _Woman's Evolution_ (good)
Polenberg, Richard _One Nation Divisible_ (good)
Merchant, Carolyn _The Death of Nature_ (good)
Chrystos _Dream On_ (excellent)
Angelou, Maya _Gather Together in My Name_ (excellent)
Lerner, Gerda _The Female Experience: An American Documentary_ (good)
Shiva, Vandana _Close to Home: Women Reconnect Ecology, Health and Development Worldwide_ (good)
Foner, Dr. Philip S. _W.E.B. DuBois Speaks: Speeches and Addresses 1890-1919_ (excellent)
Foner, Dr. Philip S. _W.E.B. DuBois Speaks: Speeches and Addresses 1920-1963_ (excellent)
Drucker, Olga Levy _Kindertransport_ (excellent)
Snow, Misti _Take Time to Play Checkers (And Other Wise Words from Kids)_ (good)
Trask, Haunani Kay _From A Native Daughter: Colonialism and Sovereignty in Hawaii_ (e)
Jaimes, M. Annette _The State of Native America_ (good)
Walker, Alice and Parmar, Pratibha _Warrior Marks: Female Genital Mutilation and the Sexual Blinding of Women_ (hardcover, excellent)
Chagnon, Napoleon A. _Yanomamo_ (ex)
Guillermo, Kathy Snow _Monkey Business_ (hardcover, ex)
Faludi, Susan _Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women_ (ex)
Zakin, Susan _Coyotes and Town Dogs: Earth First! and the Environmental Movement_ (good)
Saro-Wiwa, Ken _A Month and a Day: A Detention Diary_ (good)
Levi, Primo _If Not Now, When?_ (good)
Dunaway, David King _Writing the Southwest_ (good)
Breitman, George
Porter, Herman
Smith, Baxter _The Assassination of Malcom X_ (good)
Valentine, Bettylou _Hustling and Other Hard Work: Lifestyles in the Ghetto_ (ex)
Engels, Friedrich _The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State_ (g)
Spence, Gerry _With Justice for None_ (g)
Gordon, Linda _Woman's Body Woman's Right_ (no cover)
Sale, Kirkpatrick _The Conquest of Paradise: Christopher Columbus and the Colombian Legacy_ (g)
Williams, Gregory Howard _Life on the Color Line_ (g)
Rogozinski, Jan _A Brief History of the Caribbean_ (g)
The Last Poets _On A Mission_ (g)
Davies, Peter _The Truth About Kent State_ (g)
Wearne, Phillip _Return of the Indian: Conquest and Revival in the Americas_ (g)
Cordell, Linda S. _Smithsonian Exploring the Ancient World: Ancient Pueblo Peoples_ (hardcover, ex)
Moseley, Michael E. _The Incas and Their Ancestors_ (g)
Eisenmann, Robert and Wise, Michael _The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered_ (g)
D, Chuck and Jah, Yusef _Fight the Power: Rap, Race and Reality_ (hardcover, ex)
Friend, David and LIFE _The Meaning of Life: Reflections in Words and Pictures on Why We Are Here_ (hard, good)
Murray, Keith _The Modocs and Their War_ (e)
Salisbury, Harrison E. _Tiananmen Diary_ (e)
Berry, Mary Frances _Black Resistance White Law_ (g)
Farmer, James _Lay Bare The Heart_ (g)
Bierhost, John _The Mythology of South America_ (e)
Castilo, Ana _Massacre of the Dreamer: Essays on Xicanism_ (g)
Mandela, Nelson
Castro, Fidel _How Far We Slaves Have Come!_ (e)
Rosenblatt, Elihu _Criminal Injustice: Confronting the Prison Crisis_ (e)
Welch, James _Fools Crow_ (g)
Wollstonecraft, Mary _A Vindication Of The Rights Of Woman_ (g)