Right, so I'm slipping back into massive fail recently and I am going to force myself to post everyday to get over this. Yes.
I AM GOING TO DO THE 30 DAYS OF MUSIC MEME THAT EVERYONE AND THEIR MOM DID LIKE THREE WEEKS AGO (what, i was even born late, what do you people want from me)
Day 1 :: Your Favorite Song
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Sunshine :: Atmosphere :: Sad Clown Bad Summer
I hear voices, I see smiles to match em
Good times and you can feel it in the fashion
Even though the heat cooks up the action
The streets still got butterflies
Enough kids to catch 'em
i am sure i have smashed this song at many of you many times
before Ask me this question on any given day and you will likely get a different answer but in general this is the overall favorite. It's a song about the little things, about taking a moment, about clearing out all the normal, built-up crap and just enjoying life. The beats, the lyrics, everything about this song just fills me with joy. No matter how many times I listen to it, it still has the power to make me tear up.
In other news, guys, I'm sorry. I cannot get on the Inception bandwagon with y'all. I am apparently the only person on the entire internet that can't. :/