(no subject)

Feb 15, 2004 14:33

So last night was thehotel party..and it was a blast..thanks to eeryone...sorry aobt buying the 2 cases kevin...that was way to much beer..but the cleaning ladies will have with it..so i supposse this journal is where i can keep all my thoughts im having..and im having a lot right now..no dubt the hotel party was fun, but for some reason my mind was else where last night...i just couldnt keep my mind of someone...i kept remembering all the good times we ad and it just made me upset..but i believe there is 1 prson out there for everyone, even if your not together at this moment...its how the universe opraes..you were put here to be with 1 person...every thought in my last night was aobut her..al the things we used to do.the trips t the falls, the phantom at shea's..everything.and the more i didnt want to think aobut it the more i did...shehas my heart and soul..and thees times when i want it back, but ten theres times when i want her to keep it...i done my share of things in the past that im not happy about...i was an ass to a lot of people...i shouldnt have been one towards her...she was right when she sai i was a loser..cuz i see now that i am...she made me into such a better person..nobody culda changed my life the way she did..and although none of that matters anymor, its the truth..and i think i have come to a conclusion...its time to tell her whats wrong with me...she has a right to now..i mean she's the love of my life no matter how i try to fight it...it was the greatest 17 months of my entire life an i wouldnt give up this feeling for anything in the world....and i have said some things ta were uncalled for..a lot of things actually...things i didnt mean..but were said cuz of anger..but i want her to know whats wrong...i dont want things to change betweenus...but i do believe that we were meant to be togther someday...i just hope its before my time runs out..well ive said more than enough right now...lataz everyone...
p.s.-keep those you love close to your heart..cuz you never know when they'll be gone!
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