Dec 20, 2003 19:39
So I am being forced to update my journal since I haven't really written anything in probably months... Well we must keep the identity a secret bc i don't know how someone would feel about me mentioning this but let's just say i have this "friend" and "he" told me the other night how "he" became infatuated with me...Not sickly infatuated.. But loved me so much and wanted to be like me.. Wanted to listen to my music.. and drive the same car...Wanted to be able to not give a fuck what people thought about "him" like me... i thought it was sweet... mainly bc of who it came from... I wasn't quite expecting it though...
Oh I'm also supposed to talk about being naked as i was informed by the man who is making me update.. Well I don't know what to say about being naked.. I'm naked in the shower.. and in bed.. and that's my tale of nakedness... Happy?
Oh and also umm not the friday that just passed but the friday before i went to bene (i refuse to call it krome.. that's just too fucking gay) to see from autumn to ashes and avenged sevenfold.. We were right next to the speakers and as everyone who goes to bene knows that the sound system blows... So it was like crackling in and out instruments right next to my ear making me go deaf.. Bene really needs to fucking do something about that.. It's getting ridiculous already.. And enough with the damn 13yr old wanna be hardcore/emo/punk/metalheads/freaks... Just fucking go away.. you're not cool.. you're annoying.. and you ruin what would be good shows with your stupidity.