An update (of sorts)

Jan 24, 2010 12:31

So far today, the pond hockey tournament that was going on this weekend (in which I was playing) has been cancelled. Our current heatwave coupled with rain all day yesterday caused the ice conditions to be "crap" so they're postponing the championship games 'til next weekend--or 'til forever, it's not 100% clear which one it is yet. Meanwhile, the team from Duluth that my women's hockey team was supposed to play against this afternoon has decided not to come down because of the weather--Duluth is under a winter weather advisory 'til tomorrow afternoon which is supposed to involve terrible visibility, a lot of snow and possibly icy roads. So that game has turned into an unexpected practice--which is ok. We can certainly use the practice after the discombobulation that was yesterday's game.

Meanwhile, I wound up missing the pond hockey game that was yesterday because my errands took too long. On the bright side, I came away from my errands with replacement sweaters (2) for the ones (3) that I have pitched in the last month or so. The office is usually cold, so I generally have a sweater there in addition to whatever I chose to wear to work that day, so I can keep warm. The ones I had been using at the office had multiple holes in them & most were missing buttons when I'd long-since run out of replacement buttons, so it was about time to pitch them. I also came away from the errands with a returned library book slip (proof it was back on time after they lost one of my other books & blamed it on me!) and a large pile of stamps.

Yesterday evening I finished reading Born to Run which is about the Tarahumara people in Mexico & their propensity for running ridiculously long races (100 miles +)--and winning them. It also discussed the author's viewpoints on why so many people who run recreationally get hurt which can basically be summed up as "people will take lessons to learn to ski, to skate, to swim...but we never take a lesson on how to run". While I'm not sure if I agree with everything he had to say, he did make a few valid points. And more than that, he's got a helluva way of telling a story--I felt like I was sitting around drinking beer with my buddies & chatting rather than reading a book about (essentially) how to convert to the healthy habits that these Tarahumara folks have.

Currently, there are 3 pots containing 4 chicken carcasses & assorted veggies on the stove turning into chicken stock, I threw in a load of dishes to run this morning, & D just put in a load of laundry. The week's menu is planned so I can hit the grocery store on my way home from practice. We're oddly productive folks for having a lazy weekend planned. :-)
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