Title: Teaching (Or, Sins Against the Decalogue)
WC: 1530
Characters: Huck, with Sam, Molly, and Toby
Rating: PG
Summary: Of being so god-like when the Decalogue clearly stated, right there in the third verse, second commandment, that there was only one God, and Huck was to have no other besides
Notes: Written for
raedbard; prompt was looked at, inspired
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You know, I actually tried to write a Toby&Huck-dash-Toby/Huck fic very like this once. I think I like this more. In fact, I totally do, because, um, I think Huck&Sam being UST-y but not and surrogate fathers and little boys who think about the Commandments too much are pretty much my new favourite thing ever.
So, yeah. This is more or less exactly what I wanted when I left that prompt; I would just have made it more explicit if I'd known you were going to be writing it. ;)
And, you know what I love most about this? And what makes you brilliant? This isn't a story that's actually about Toby, which is what it would have been if I'd written it. He's there, and he's important, and the little touches of his relationship with Sam (not sitting next to each other in the cinema and the "two best daddies" and all the little glances off each other) make me quivery and all hand-over-heart-y and slightly heartbroken but in that good way, BUT. It's Sam, and how he fills up a space Huck didn't know was missing in his life, but also shows up that empty space -- makes Huck more aware of not being like Toby and Molly, not being good at anything (so he thinks *hugsmyboysotight*) but also makes it better again. As with the central conceit -- that Sam makes Huck worry about sinning, but also comforts him in his sins; Sam as the problem and the solution AND IT'S SO PERFECT AND I LOVE IT.
Huck stands in the house his father bought for his mother- for them; Sam stays away and Huck does not chase him.
I think this line broke my heart. And I don't know, can't put my finger on, exactly why that is. Which is probably what makes it brilliant. Or just that it's Huck, and you always know how to break my heart with him. <333
And the end. The end. I'll, um, just be stealing the end off with me where they can be broken and in pain but perfect and playing out their surrogacy in, uh, new and exciting ways. *runsaway*
Which all very loosely translated means: I LOVE this. I knew I would (I helped with working out assignments, so I knew it was you) but, damn. I love how, whenever you write something like this -- something Otis or Hesitation, say -- it just sort of, curls up and starts living in my head, quietly poking me now and then, making me keep on thinking about it long after I'm done reading. There aren't many fics that do that.
I <3 you x 1328956205. :)
I think Huck&Sam being UST-y but not and surrogate fathers and little boys who think about the Commandments too much are pretty much my new favourite thing ever
I think Huck is my new favourite thing ever. *squishes him* He's so much more worried than Molly is to write, and I rather like that. Poor little boys. And of COURSE Huck overthinks the Commandments. I wrote that drabble for you (I think last Christmas) about how Huck's father was gay and he wondered if that didn't make him a little bit gay himself, and that's what I based this fic on- that obsessively worry about being a 'good boy' and 'getting it right'.
I would just have made it more explicit if I'd known you were going to be writing it.
Ha! I had enough issues with the prompt as it was left! I still don't think I fulfilled what you asked for, because it's not them exactly getting to know each other, it's more the god-like status a little boy holds his father's boyfriend to. But you know, it was you, and I was quite ok with throwing the prompt aside. :)
As with the central conceit -- that Sam makes Huck worry about sinning, but also comforts him in his sins; Sam as the problem and the solution AND IT'S SO PERFECT AND I LOVE IT
That is, you know, exactly what I was going for.
I think this line broke my heart. And I don't know, can't put my finger on, exactly why that is.
Omg, I am sooo glad you liked this line. I was worried. Because it's one sentence and there's no exposition behind it and yes, glad you liked. :)
And the end. The end. I'll, um, just be stealing the end off with me where they can be broken and in pain but perfect and playing out their surrogacy in, uh, new and exciting ways.
Don't run away! You do get to decide what happens! So there you go!
I love how, whenever you write something like this -- something Otis or Hesitation, say -- it just sort of, curls up and starts living in my head, quietly poking me now and then, making me keep on thinking about it long after I'm done reading. There aren't many fics that do that.
And THIS. Damn. I'm just going to sit with this myself for a while and feel special and important and loved and you know, worth something, so thank you, for this. For loving the fic. For adoring little boy Huck, with the sister he cannot understand and his two daddies and sins and places in his heart that are empty and Sam-ful. *sighs*
<3 you x ninetybillion.
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