nicole's hair looked haggard so i made her put on a beanie.
i'm the best friend ever.
my nails are chipping
i have a strong dislike for my english teacher
i miss sarah
and i really like this year so far
there is a purple turtle on my desk
it's a 3 day weekend =)
i really want to watch "that thing you do"
i like the new bright eyes a lot
i wish things would fix themselves but i'm still willing to try
peanut butter tortillas are pretty good
i want to see rima really bad
i like my baked apple pie candle
i'm trying to drink 8+ glasses of water a day
i miss lauren my siamese twin
i still havent hung my mirror up
quarters are my favorite form of change
i started a crayon revolution in spanish class today
i also made a boy a pirate patch
in fact, i have a crayon sharpener shaped like a crayon
i want carlos to come back
my head hurts really bad
ned kelly 8
i have the most depressing picture of me and my aunt
i really want to go to the kinison tonight but i don't have a ride
i like pecans (or as bri says, cohens)
i really need a new book to read
i want to take a shower
i like my green skirt
i sat in avocado yesterday
dana says the word "hand" weird
i have been sleeping really good lately
i have also been really happy lately
and i have also been rambling a lot lately
i like having a penpal a lot
i still want the skinny daisy tattoo behind my ear
i have a tiny crystal ball
my mom was pretty in high school
my dad doesn't trust me
sometimes, people from other countries stalk me
i have a pen that sarah named "skrinkle"
i NEVER make my bed
people always tell me i have big eyes
i really shouldn't be drinking this coffee
okay, i lied, i'm not drinking coffee
but i shouldn't be drinking this coke either
my computer types slow sometimes
i annoy my mom when i bang on the pots and pans
i really dont like those little hats that are ice cream bowls, they never hold enough
but i really do like ice cream
and disneyland
and i would like to eat ice cream at disneyland
i like lifejackets
i want to go on our seattle road trip
the clouds today were perfect
i usually get paint all over myself
and i'm going to go paint on my wall right now.
we love you very very very very very very very much.