(no subject)

Dec 25, 2011 20:01

Characters: Jay & Charlie
Date & Time: December 25th
Setting: the mansion, his office, the bottom of her bottle.
Summary: Christmas... Magic. Yes. Magic.
Rating: TBD
Status: Open to Charles.

An inhibitor, that was what Hank had called it. Or perhaps a suppressant, a stop-all or for a lack of a better way to explain it- a way to slow down her genetics. Originally the compound was to change his feet, and perhaps hide her wings, but obviously that had gotten away from him and left with the far less impressive formulas. This one (thankfully) worked, and while Jay certainly had her wings, and could still heal- it would take her longer, the feathers grow slower... he was unsure if it was going to work, but hey? It was Christmas! A time to try new things.

Jay had taken the injection and followed it with a shot- the latter was not what the good Doctor had intended, instead Hank had wanted to run tests. Instead though, Jay offered up a few suggestions of her own- rum, whiskey and rye. All three worked... very, very well. The first few sips didn't mean much, but after a shot? A bottle? Jay was feeling great She had new ideas, and the courage to express them, first and formost- to Charles.

Charlie. Charlies, Charles Charlie Charles.. she mumbled to herself internally and aloud.Charlie Charles Chaaaarlahs."He should give us dresses." She mumbled, giggling and knocking on his door, "Chaaaaaaaaaaaaarlie." A bit quiet this time, followed shortly thereafter by a large, slurring, "CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARLIE"

Merry, Merry Christmas to Jay indeed.

charles xavier, jay guthrie

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