By the way I miss you too...

Oct 24, 2011 21:31

Characters: Jay & Paige Guthrie
Date & Time: October 25th, lunch time
Setting: The Mansion
Summary: Long time no see. 
Rating: PG
Status: Open to Paige

Jay had not been the one to contact Paige. Not when she realized that she was 'different' as well, nor when her girlfriend committed suicide. Not even when she left, came home and returned to school. Paige left them and thus, forfietted all her sisterly rights. No, if it was up to Jay Guthrie, she was at ties, the eldest of the clan, only spending her thoughts of Paige or Sam in the fear and worry that they may not be okay.

Instead, her mother (the traitor) had written a letter the first time that Jay had been shipped off, following it up with a second note when Jay had returned. Not that of course, Jay knew any of this. Lucinda was a smart woman, and she knew what her daughter would do if she had been informed of her intentions. Instead, the sixteen year old flight risk was just enjoying a late lunch outside of the kitchen. Tuna salad and a bag of carrots, both being consumed with a fork, each tiny, quick bite taken in just enough time for another to be prepared. When Jay ate, it was always a short, odd thing, as if the wings and bones she had stolen from the birds had infected her eating habits.

At least she didn't eat corn kernels straight and raw. 

jay guthrie

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