I could stick around a little longer with you...

Sep 16, 2011 20:05

Characters: Jay & Alex
Date&Time: August 25th or so
Setting: The Library
Summary: So about that running away thing...
Rating: Probably SFW? May change.
Status: open to Alex

If it was expected that Jay's return would result in parades and floats, they were just about as wrong as the expectation that she'd get a good talking to by the 'adults'. After all, she was adult-ish enough, and hadn't hurt anyone, right? Besides being told 'you have to keep yourself safe' and a brief hug, Jay's return meant little more than the need to air out her bedding.

She knew she needed to talk to each of her 'saviors' in turn, get her head ripped off and her heart ripped out, and considering Sean already had taken claim to the latter, she thought that at least choosing when the former occurred might be her best option. There were only so many places to find Alex, and after an ear to a door informed her that no, he was not in his room with Amara, Jay began to look for the other locations.

Not the former-bunker, nor the track outside. He wasn't in the kitchen.. which left the library. It was quiet there, so hopefully he wouldn't yell.


She stood in the doorway for a moment, taking her turn to watch him read about something likely amazing before speaking. Her voice was quiet, accepting and just a little sad. She thought she might have some kind of speech to defend herself. A way to justify her motives... but instead she just had a single word.


alex summers, jay guthrie

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