its only avoidence if you decide to let it be.

Sep 02, 2011 19:31

Characters: Kitty and OTA
Date&Time: August 24th, mid morning.
Setting: The kitchen
Summary: Kitty decides to cook savory muffins. And fails.
Rating: SFW
Status: Open to all.

Kitty had been avoiding. It was mostly unintentional. She just didn't handle stress and conflict well. There was no one in particular, except for John, she was just avoiding everyone. It was easier that way.

She'd heard all the rumours, seen the evidence of some; Erik's broken wrist for example, just in passing. She was pleased when she'd heard that Alex -their Alex- was back, but she'd made no effort to see him. They'd only spoken once and she wasn't sure whether he'd be all that interested in seeing her or not, so she stayed away.

She could be found in the kitchen, sitting at the table, waiting for the over timer to go off, announcing her muffins to be ready. The dishes were piled, clean, on the sink and there was a tray ready for the treats to be placed on. Her foot bounced and she bit her lip, as time seemed to drag and her thoughts continued to wander, making her completely oblivious to anything outside her own mind and the muffins she waited upon.

warren worthington iii, kitty pryde

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