Hello internet!
Ooops, it's been awhile, hasn't it? I had the Summer of Awesome, but apparently that's harder to write about than you'd think. I'll try to give a highlights reel, starting from now.
If you happen to hear a sighing sound coming from South Wales, that's me, giving a full-body sigh of relief regularly, as I gaze about me, wide-eyed in wonderment that my life is my own again. I've just been entertaining my parents since Wednesday evening, and it's pretty much something that I hope can be put off for a few more years. They're both...high-maintenance, shall we say? Mom's mostly okay as long as she doesn't have to deal with crowds, only needs to negotiate minimal stairs, doesn't have to look at poor people (I know, I know, long story) and can have a cup of tea now and again. It sounds a little like I'm moaning, but her high-maintenance I can deal with, and we actually had a lovely day out together on Friday. On the other hand, Dad's alcoholism is attaining new heights, although his temper is slightly improved, but I'm pretty thoroughly exhausted with walking on eggshells, desperately trying to come up with things to do and places that he'll actually eat at that don't require walking more than a few hundred yards. I seem to have lost up the ability to think every possibility through unto the fifth generation and plan automatically for every possible contingency, in exchange for living my own life.
In conclusion, I've got a big cheesecake in the fridge, have already taken a long bubble bath, and I'm letting myself sleep in tomorrow :)
Happier times -- my trip back to Philly was wonderful, and it really hurt to leave. I've got a friend there who I definitely need a little break from, but seeing everyone else was wonderful. I got to go to Philly Folk Fest (FINALLY), and was warmly taken in by
desh and friends, and I'm hopelessly in love with the place and can't wait to go back. Top five new artists/groups I fell in love with, for the record:
1. Butch Ross
2. Richard Thompson
3. Jesse McReynolds
4. The Subdudes
5. Bonnie "Prince" Billy (KIDDING! KIDDING! Apparently he's the only performer to ever get actually booed...)
And a family history bonus -- Mom swears she remembers hearing Bonnie Raitt in Dulcimer grove, before she hit it big. I really, really hope I can make it again next summer. Just days of (mostly) beautiful weather and great music.
Adding to the loveliness of PFF was that it came, literally, on the heels of me sailing to Brooklyn, my first time sailing on the ocean and not just an inland waterway. It was frustrating for several reasons (when is sailing not, though?), but mostly intensely peaceful, lovely, and I had a wonderful time. I really would like to do more long-term sails; it's nice when you fall into the rhythm of the work and the day. Hopefully soon -- I've found a boat out in Swansea that I think only does daysails, but it can be a stepping-stone, easily enough. And, happily, I only got seasick when I was reading charts in rough seas! So good for that, I guess :)
And now to find a flatmate for the next year...hooray!