Who: Lilah and Wesley Where: The Grocery Store When: Afternoonish? What: Paying people to do this means it not getting done right, you know? Status: Complete
Shopping, grocery shopping clothes shopping, *any* kind of shopping was a necessary evil according to Wesley. Which was why he'd been delighted when he found out about buying online. The only shop Wesley could spend hours and hours even days in, was of course a book shop. Grocery shopping was especially daunting and of course that was the one thing one could do online. Much
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Lilah hadn't really noticed another hand coming down for the can she was going for until it bumped into hers. "No, don't worry about it," she said before her mind processed the voice. So, it seemed that even Wesley had to do normal things like grocery shopping. Of course, he had Max, so him shopping made a lot more sense than her shopping
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Amused. Yes, that would probably be the best word to describe how Wesley Wyndam-Pryce felt at the moment. There was still a sad undercurrent and there always would be this time of year. But it had *been* a year, so where he wasn't able to feel any sort of amusement a year ago for obvious reasons? It was a relief to find out he was still capable of such at this time of year, a year later
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Anyone that she worked with (or over) would probably have their mind explode at the fact that Lilah was actually playing a little with a toddler, especially the child of Winnifred Burkle. Lilah never could stand the little Texan, even before she was hovering through Wes's thoughts like an annoying fly that needed to be squashed without a second thought
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Ah. Well. So much for small talk. He really was atrocious at that sort of thing. Though he had been good with clients - be they Angel Investigation's or Wolfram and Hart's - when it came to his social life he-- well, to use an American phrase, he sucked
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Lilah's own ability to small talk wasn't very good outside of the office. Hell, if she were honest, it wasn't very good inside the office, either. She had always been a person who wanted to get to the point of things. Not that she had ever really done much small talking with Wes in the first place. It had always either been viper-quick insults or moans and panting. Their relationship hadn't had much talk in it
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Max, it seemed, had been cultivating an interest in other people. Where before he'd barely notice them and was focused on his toys or his food, he now actually seemed to recognize certain people. Wesley and Cordelia he recognized of course since they'd been his main caretakers. But now a huge smile would appear when Gunn or Angel would come over, a shy one for Lorne and a confusing though amused one for Spike. Illyria even got a light laughter whenever she was near
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Lilah noticed him glossing right over that question about himself. He always was good at not answering questions about his feelings. In the rare occasion that she had asked him something when they were together about how he was doing (it had happened all of three times, and she remembered each time because it had caught her by surprise that she cared how he was feeling), he would brush past it in a way that, if she weren't a lawyer and used to catching both every little thing a person said and just what they didn't say, she wouldn't have noticed. But she did, and she did this time.
For now, though, she let it go. Since she was here, and she knew something that she knew that Wes would need to know (and how many times could she really do this before she was fired?), messing with his head couldn't quite be on her agenda. For today, anyway. Some might think that she was getting soft in her old age. She wasn't technically old, and thank you for not asking just how old, but she was practically ancient for a Wolfram & Hart employee. Most
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Max clapped his small hands as though he understood what Lilah was saying word for word. Wesley, being the proud father was, beamed at that actually thinking that his son was. Or at least 90% of it. Alright, maybe just 80% or 75? Either way his son looked up at Lilah with a delight only a small yet unspoiled child could manage
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She knew that her words would not be taken lightly. She didn't want them to be taken lightly. She actually considered Wes to be a friend. Well, maybe not a friend, per say, but the closest to one that someone in her line of work could ever truly have. And that spoke for the occasionally sad life that Lilah truly led. The fact that she had no friends. If it weren't for the huge salt quantities in the frozen dinners, Lilah could just stock up on Hungry Man Dinners for one and be done with it, as far as shopping went. She had no spouse or kids to speak of. She didn't even keep a pet, because she was gone so much
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"Dirty diapers? Spilled milk? Cramps?" he named the few things that most assuredly didn't make his day but were still part of the whole package. The joke - if it was even that - fell flat though. When Lilah said things like that Wesley never took them lightly. Especially not after having worked for Wolfram and Hart himself
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She could tell that he was trying to joke. Sometimes it was easier to joke around that face the truth. She had done so for years while working at Wolfram & Hart. She barely knew how to interact with other people that she worked over these days without making sarcastic jokes at their expense. Luckily, she was over all of them, so it didn't matter what she said to anyone that she worked with, anymore
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Of course 'they' had the prophecy. Why was Wesley not even remotely surprised by this. Even as knocked down and out for the count as the Senior Partners and their bloody firm were after Angel got through with them? They were always going to cling onto a big portion of the cake. Problem right now was that they had big trouble eating said cake once they had it. Well, a problem for them, not for the rest of the world
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She personally wondered if he still wanted to get her away from the firm. She could still remember him going all 'Batman' with the gadgets to go through the firm and find her contract, only to realize that burning it would do no good. 'Flames wouldn't be eternal if they actually consumed anything.' It had meant so much to her that he tried. Someone tried to do a good thing for her, even if it was pointless
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For now, though, she let it go. Since she was here, and she knew something that she knew that Wes would need to know (and how many times could she really do this before she was fired?), messing with his head couldn't quite be on her agenda. For today, anyway. Some might think that she was getting soft in her old age. She wasn't technically old, and thank you for not asking just how old, but she was practically ancient for a Wolfram & Hart employee. Most ( ... )
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