Road sketches

Nov 07, 2008 10:20

Stockholm overwhelms. It's everywhere - in my eyes, in my ears, under my skin, and at the same time around me. We belong to each other. Now I know what it really means - to be happy to be back. Be back home.

People smile when I walk on by. Not because it's funny - just because they are so different from eternally-frowning Russian crowds. Yesterday in the bar I got two invitations to stay at people's place when I'll be in Stockholm again. Just so simple. So friendly.

And finally - a very "swedish" dream. I wake up in my hotel room and see some weird, terrifying Something, not even a creature, but something like a clot of concentrated darkness. It's growing over me, trying to devour everything around me, then it's some dark, undecipherable voice talking to me... And I open my eyes and reply: "Sorry, but I don't speak Swedish..."

про жизнь, in english

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