I seem to have found myself several new friends! Porn does bring people together, doesn't it?
Since y'all were so kind to wander here from
sherlockkink, I figured I might as well dust off this lonely old journal, and introduce myself, and all that rot. I'm Becca, I'm a college student who's studying political science and constructing an ad hoc critical theory course list for herself. I enjoy finding homoerotic elements in just about all the media I consume, a habit I justify via my libido and some vague mutterings about queering pop. Mostly, it's just hot.
I coach debate, listen to bad music, have a thirteen year old boy's taste in movies and girls, and can't decide if I want to cook professionally or go to graduate school. I'm Texan, but I don't live there anymore, and I'm currently wearing cowboy boots. My hair is in the halfway state between normal dirty blonde and the bright purple that I much prefer. I have a cat named Sushi sitting on the small of my back and I smell like cigarettes.
So, that's meatspace me. In terms of fandom-y stuff, I used to be more involved, but I've sort of slipped out of the habit of posting in livejournals and writing fic. I still read all sorts of fic, primarily in Torchwood, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Stargate: Atlantis, and a variety of other things. I'm intending to start this fannish enthusiasm thing anew, and I think I might sign up for the Sherlock Holmes big bang.
I'm attentat over at the Archive of Our Own as well. Let's see, for yuletide I wrote:
The Legendary Five Way, a fivesome of Robin/Ted/Barney/Lily/Marshall in How I Met Your Mother fandom
Lady Stardust, Duchess of Haddon Hall, a weird bit of David Bowie RPF that I can't quite get my head around, even still. I'm not entirely happy with it, but I can't figure out why.
I also wrote two things (so far) for the Holmes kinkmeme, which I think I'm going to clean up and post around in a little bit.
Anyway, random and rambly. Welcome!