meme results

Apr 16, 2011 18:16

Here are the (very belated) results of the meme from my last entry where I asked people to posit scenarios with an unknown group of characters. I can now reveal the list:

1. Stringer Bell (the Wire)
2. Veronica Mars
3. Castiel (SPN)
4. Zoe (Firefly)
5. The Old Spice Man
6. Peggy (Mad Men)
7. Olive (Pushing Daisies)
8. Mark Zuckerburg (The Social Network)
9. Emerson (Pushing Daisies)
10. Troy (Community)
11. Katniss (Hunger Games)
12. Gus (Psych)
13. Brad Colbert (Generation Kill)
14. Leslie Knope (Parks and Recreation)
15. Omar Little (The Wire)

Veronica Mars, Peggy Olson, and Brad Colbert go for a road trip that Peggy has planned. Where do they go? Why are they going together? What do Veronica and Brad think of Peggy's plans? What life lessons do they learn along the way, if any?
Peggy Olson is older now, a revered matriarch of the advertising community. She is driving from NY to CA. She hired Vmars to come along and drive her. (Peggy is a New Yorker born and bred and never learned.) Brad isn't traveling with them, really, he swears. He was doing his own cross-county journey while figuring out what was next. But then he and Vmars ended up playing tag on the road and he wants to keep it up.

Stringer Bell has been hired to write an After School Special for a tv station. Stringer may choose the topic, so long as it is relevant to today's teenagers. What does Stringer choose?
This is strangely and perfectly apt. Stringer would be very practical. I am thinking money management and financial education. Let the kids know the power of saving.

Omar Little and Zoe Washburne wake up married. How do they react? Who does each tell first? How do they resolve the issue?
!!! Obviously not a romantic pairing, but I would read so many fics about these two being bad-asses together. In either universe.

But as for the question: Well, I think this must be pre-series for Zoe. She and Omar were out on a mission one day and decided to bunk together for security. Of course some of the settlers made some assumptions, seeing as Omar hadn't advertised his preferences. They actually don't tell anyone, then. Not til years later when Zoe, Mal et al run into him during a job. Wash is very unamused that this tough, hot man is calling Zoe his wife. And what is worse, she responds in kind.

They let him stew for a bit, then reveal it is all a sham. Wash keeps giving him side-eyes until Omar introduces Brandon.

Castiel and Gus end up living together. What amazing set of accidents lead to this situation? What is the number 1 bone of contention in their household? What type of relationship (enemies, friends, nothing, lovers, sibling-ish, life partners, etc) results?
Gus thinks Cas is an awesome roommate. He is almost never there, has no stuff and his checks are always accepted. The only downside is Shawn's pouting, as Gus refused to room with him.

Olive and Emerson get stranded in a foreign county where neither speaks the language. Where are they stranded? Do they help one another at all? How do they get home?
They are stranded in Norway after a mishap with a shipping container. (Emerson suspects this is revenge for MOTHER.) Of course they help each other! Emerson might pretend not to, but he loves his itty bitty. They get home after solving a murder, kitting a scarf and singing for supper.

The Old Spice Man and Troy fell deeply in love (under what circumstances?), but were torn apart by a misunderstanding (what was it?). Katniss tries to woo Old Spice Man (why? how?), but has trouble overcoming the memories of Troy. Old Spice Man and Troy meet again. Will Katniss find the way to OSM's heart? Or will Troy win out?
Troy and the Man were deeply in love. He could do anything! And Troy adored him. However, once Troy went to Greendale he stopped using Old Spice Bodywash after he found out that Pierce did. Troy didn't want to smell like an old man!

Obviously this broke the Man's heart and he left to go find a thing that you would love for everyone, not just for Troy.

On his journey's he meets Katniss. She is trying to woo him, as his skills would be very useful in the arena, but she won't just take things from the Man for free. Katniss pays her debts. But all he seems to want is Troy.

Obviously Katniss goes and gets Troy for the OSM. Troy and OSM forgive one another for the fight over bodywash and are awesome together. (Katniss doesn't win the OSM's heart because she doesn't want it.)

AU: Mark and Leslie grew up as childhood friends and neighbors. What is each of their most cherished memories of that childhood?
Leslie remembers going to the parks. Remembers playing and crafts and days in the sun. She remembers babysitting Mark and thinking Pawnee was the most magical place in the world. (She still believes it.)

Mark remembers the park too. Leslie used to take him there and show him the neatest stuff. (But he also remembers falling off the wings and the stench from the Sweetem's factory and the way Leslie stopped playing with him as she got older. But he still sends her a Friend's Request as soon as Facebook is available to the general public.)

If Peggy, Gus, Castiel and Mark all ended up on a road trip together, who'd insist on doing most of the driving, who'd keep track of the map and the route and which character would be most likely to be threatened with being left on the side of the highway?
Castiel would just zap himself to his destination, then suddenly appear at random intervals, Peggy doesn't know how to drive, and Mark is a horrible driver (he keeps checking his phone). So obviously Gus has to be the one driving. No way would he risk life and limb letting anyone else behind the wheel.

Peggy keeps track of the route. She pokes (physically) Mark every time she wants to check the actual map, though. (He insisted they didn't need a paper copy.) Gus threatens to leave Cas behind each time he suddenly appears.

Stinger is ghostwriting a book for Olive Snook. How much editorial control does Olive demand?
Stinger is trying to explain away some cash by doing declaring himself a ghostwriter. (He feels the term is eerie yet erudite enough to fit his rep.) Olive wants to control every little bit of her memoir “Piebold to Piehole: The Olive Snook Story,” but Stringer manages to get his way. (He can be very persuasive.)

Omar Little is trying to pick out a birthday present for Emerson. What kind of advice does Gus give?
Emerson did Omar a good turn and got him out of a false charge, without explaining what exactly Omar had been doing that meant he couldn't have been the one doing the deed. So now Omar wants to show his appreciation. He contacts Emerson's cousin Gus, who gives him some pointers on the perils of yarn shopping.

Castiel is trying to talk the Old Spice Man into going out. What are the suggestions and where does the Man eventually agree to go?
… I might actually want to write this.

But anyway. Castiel is very enamored of the perfection of the Man. It reminds him of ideals fulfilled. He keeps flitting in the check on the OSM, but is puzzled about the best way to woo him. Eventually he gets the OSM to accompany him on the quest to find the drop from the rose on the highest peak of that beautiful country, like in that story in you love.

Katniss is traveling with the Doctor. What's the one place they really want to visit?
Now this is a fic I want someone else to write.

Katniss just wants to go home. She will, grudgingly, admit that the Doctor has shown her some beautiful things, and when he is around she doesn't have to kill. (No, instead they try to ensure that everyone lives.) But she misses her family and friends and the quiet. (The Doctor is many things, but he is never quiet.)

Zoe has to design a new board game for children, and Brad is the boss of the company. Does Brad approve Zoe's design?
Fuck yeah. Of course Brad would okay something Zoe designed. He respects competence and she has that in spades.

Veronica Mars has to pick out the book for a bookclub consisting of herself, Peggy Olson, Mark, Leslie, and Troy. Do any of the other characters like the book Veronica picks out?
Veronica picks out a murder mystery. She likes picking apart the plotlines and finding out the killer. Peggy likes it too. Mark just reads the wiki entry and the author's facebook fan page. Leslie read it. She would have liked it better if it was set someplace nicer then London, though. Maybe Pawney. Troy didn't read it, but Abed's summary was awesome.

I also did the Ao3 hitcount meme:

1. Meta Yuletide Fic - OSM (5126 hits)
2. Honey Pie - Telephone/Psuhing Daisies (761 hits)
3. Bordellos, Brothels and Berries, Oh My! - Pushing Daisies (447 hits)
4. It's Just the Way the Game is Played - The Wire (444 hits)
5. Just Moments - Mad Men (438 hits)
6. Those That Be Not What They Seem - Leverage/Othello (394 hits)
7. All My Wires Without Traces - Submachine (388 hits)
8. Today's Just a Day Like the Day that He Started - The Wire (280 hits)
9. Fine Dining in Baltimore - The Wire (247 hits)
10. The Rules of Roles - Entourage (235 hits)

So, the Meta fic is more than a bit of an outlier. Not only did it get more than 6.8x the number of hits of the second place fic, but it got more than 21x the amount of the 10th place fic.

With the meta fic.

Without it.

Beyond that, the biggest thing is Yuletide. Nine out of 10 of these are Yuletide fics. In fact, the only one that isn't is Rules of Roles (which was written for Racebending Revenge) which is in 10th place. And there are three Yuletide fics between it and the next non-Yuletide fic.

Also interesting was the number three fic, mostly because it doesn't actually get that many comments. I am guessing the fact that it is one of only two fics that isn't listed as gen. (Today's just a Day is het.) The other one whose numbers surprised me was the Submachine fic. I didn't know there was that big an audience for that fandom. (Also, it is my longest fic.) But I think the fact that it is currently the only fic on Ao3 for Submachine might be a factor.

Quality-wise, well, I don't think the Meta fic is that much better than anything else on the list. (If it was quality, in my opinion It's Just the Way... would be a clear number one.) Just Moments and Fine Dining are the two weakest fics on the list, only because they were both written on the last day and are very sparsely written.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment where you feel more comfortable.

idris elba is perfection, i am a sheep, meme, psych! is love, old spice man, i think too much about things, the social network is eating my brain, veronica mars, the hunger games, mad men, pushing daisies, community, the wire = heartbreak, supernatural, f

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