updating like a boss (or a swanson)

Mar 21, 2011 12:10

Random post is random. There are few different topics to post about so I'm gonna break out the bullet points.
  • Remix! - I got my assignment and I am strangely not panicked about writing. I read through all the possible fics and seemed to have figured out what I am remixing and how. I even have a title already. This is possibly going too well.
  • Sticky Post! - So instead I am stressing about how much whomever got assigned to remix one of my fics must be hating me due to the lack of options.

    That is probably why I put up a new sticky post with links to all my fics and graphics. I did it too late to link to my remixer, but it is there now?
  • Purim Gifts! - I got three amazing Community fics. (They are all linked as they are all in a series.) Go! Read! Comment! You know you want to as they are made of awesome.
  • Purim Gifts, I Wrote Some Too! - In fact, I wrote quite a few. (Seven, to be exact.) I would offer a prize if people guessed what I wrote but I am the least stealthy so it might be too obvious.

  • Also, someday I will go back to talking about shows in my journal.

    This entry was originally posted at http://kristin.dreamwidth.org/41447.html. Feel free to comment where you feel more comfortable.

remix, rec, purim gifts

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