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Feb 15, 2004 02:01

So Valentines day has come and gone. I hope everyone had a good one. Mine wasn't that bad. Nate and I went to get the couch from Beth, its not the best couch but for 10 bucks, hell, I'll take it!! We encountered some fucked up traffic on the way back and had to use surface streets instead of the freeway, you know, just once I would like to go a day without seeing a car wreck. Anyways, Nate split for work and i sat around and the day that all single and lonely people dread. I don't understand why people hate it so much, you don't need a lover on V-day, just some love. I have aa lover but she came up with the rule that she doesn't want to talk to me for a month, so i'm dealing with it. I spoke to Amanda and had to cheer her up since since her b/f dumped her a week ago. Now that ladies and gents is fucked up!! I started to go to the mall to buy new shoes and a new backpack for when i go home, but didn't get to far. Laziness just got the best of me.

I saw Along Came Polly yesterday with Nate,Doug, and Jared. Its pretty good. Go see it as a matinee if you get the chance. We were making fun of the "punk rock" kids outside of the theater. They had their guitars and basses but no amps.....whats the deal?!?!? Poser!! Also whats the deal with people investing tens and thousands of money into a car stereo and making the entire world shake with the bass? Its as if the more windows they take out when they drive by, the better....weird....well its 2 in the morning..and I have things to do tomarrow.
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