Hello people! I am at my friend Ashley's (sorry, japanese keyboard is hard) Anyway she has a student from Japan named Yurina (she is so nice!) And she showed us her amazing art!! (amazing art is amazing). She needed help with photoshop and then we ended up teaming together (me and Yurina, Ashley and Tania (Tania is a friend of mine btw)) and we decided to colour her picture and this is what we came up with. I did part of the lineart (she did a lot of the lineart for the hair and shirt and shirt and one eye). I coloured hair and skin and the socks and shoes. She worked on parts of it too but like I said, this is her drawing (and she is only 15 :3
FYI It took me 8 minutes to write this DX
*click to fullview please*
d.hatena.ne.jp/YUrina/Her blog