i saw zwan. for free.

Apr 07, 2003 12:36

001 | what is your name?: amber

002 | what is your quest?: to see zwan in philly for free...oh wait, that's what i did on saturday!

003 | what is your favorite color?: pink.

004 | are you/have you been vegan or vegiterian? still am veggie. deal with it.

005 | who are your favorite bands (currently)?: billy corgan.

006 | who are your favorite bands (all-time)?: rh, ts, tc, sp, be, etc...

007 | if you ever played sports, what was your number?: zero.

008 | first and last name of your first kiss: ew. let's seriously not talk about it.

009 | location (geographical, not bodily) of your first kiss: anacapa middle school locker hall.

010 | who is your favorite friend (ross, rachel, joey, phoebe, monica, chandler)?: trae...i seriously can't tell you how it makes me feel that yer coming out here. i'm counting the days my darling!

011 | who is your favorite simpsons character?: gross. none. i hate those dudes.

012 | what is your favorite adam sandler movie?: big daddy.

013 | what are your favorite recent movies (released in the last year or two)?: amelie. waking life (woah...i'm stoked you remembered that one case!).

014 | what are your favorite movies of all-time?: almost famous.

015 | who are your favorite local bands?: i don't know any bands that are from around here. but if we're talking home town heros, i vote for thedeathcampaign. my heart is with you boys!

016 | did you like hardcore music before 2001?: i didn't even know about hardcore before 2001. and i don't care.

017 | did you like emo music before 2000?: sure.

018 | did you like ska music before 1997?: yeah.

019 | did you like ska music ever?: oh hells yeah. "ok supertones, let's rock!"

020 | who is the best rapper in the world? rickie.

021 | what is the best band that your parents like? the police.

022 | what is the most you have ever payed for a show? $150 for two white stripes tickets.

023 | what is your dream line up for the ultimate band? me and billy corgan.

024 | what r&b song do you secretly love? yikes...

025 | who is your favorite deceased rap group?: none.

026 | what was the last CD you purchased?: joan of arc. i'm freaking cool now.

027 | what movie do you wish you hadn't seen?: pollock. there goes two hours of my life...

028 | where/who was your first concert?: the rolling stones at the rose bowl.

029 | where/who was your first show?: see above.

030 | what was the first "punk" CD you owned (can't say offspring - they don't count)?: does green day count? hehe...if not, rancid.

031 | who is keiser soze?: come again?

032 | favorite new found glory album: sick.

033 | are you old school?: totally dude.

034 | favorite blink 182 album: anything by blink is gold.

035 | favorite venue for shows: the trocadero in philly, or the troubadour in LA.

036 | favorite line from zoolander: "i feel like i'm taking crazy pills!!!"

037 | favorite ben stiller movie: zoolander or royal tenenbaums.

038 | favorite line from super troopers: what's that?

039 | do you/have you played any instruments?: i played bass once.

040 | are you/were you ever a band geek?: what do you mean?

041 | who's your favorite new kid?: jonathan...except in that one video lindsey has where he's doing the butt moves. ew.

042 | favorite kevin smith movie: mallrats.

043 | jack nicholson now or jack nicholson 1979?: 79

044 | what would be the dream tour (now)? radiohead, the smiths, smashing pumpkins, the cure, and the trae and amber show.

045 | all time? limit five bands: how many times have i answered this question?!
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