i seriously think these are fun to do.

Feb 21, 2003 13:45

Middle name: natasha
Birth time: march 12, 1980 10:53am. take note!
Birthplace: a ranch in so cal.
Last place you traveled: philly baby.
Eye Color: lauren swears they're blue.
Height: 5'8"
Zodiac Sign: fishy.

Your heritage: norske.
The shoes you wore today: All Day I Dream About Sandwiches.
Your hair: a mullet.
Your weakness(es): pasta. pretty faces.
Your fears: darkness. fish.
Your perfect pizza: japanese eggplant from CPK.
One thing you'd like to achieve: i just moved away!

What is:
Your most overused phrase on AIM: hahahahaha.
Your thoughts first waking up: what EVEN time is it?
Your current worry: that my boxes won't arrive.
Your plans tomorrow: none!
Your best physical feature: i don't know. my teeth are pretty straight?
Your bedtime: no thanks.
Your greatest accomplishment: i stopped talking about it and actually did it.

Do you:
Cuss: sometimes. but nothing too harsh.
Do you think you've been in love: "my stomach's always been a liar..."
Want to get married: yeah...but not any time soon.
Believe in love at first sight: no.
Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: yes.
Like to take baths: yes.
Get motion sickness: hahaha have you ever seen me on a boat? carrots everywhere!
Like talking on the phone: yeah. i pull a total molly ringwald and lay upside down on my bed.
Like thunderstorms: yeah. philly's supposed to get a flash flood tomorrow!
Play an instrument: sometimes. when i'm not lazy.
Workout: no shanks.
Like reading: yes. i'm reading lauren's book about multiple personality disorder. it makes me think i have it.

Body part: eyes. and shoulders.
Kind of fruit: avocado. (that's right mayyah).
Music to fall asleep to: sigur ros.
Time of the day: midnight.
Feature in the opposite sex: um, didn't we go over this? eyes and shoulders.
Car: i don't even own one! yeah!
Number: 420
Thing to do right before bed: watch the food channel. sweet dreams naked chef.
Thing to say when you're mad: asshole.
Era: the dinosaurs. oh wait...hahahhahaha i don't know why i think that's so funny...
Horror movie: dead alive...for sure. 8 thousand gallons of fake blood and a killer rat monkey. it doesn't get better than that.
Colors: black.
Fuck: no.

The future:
Age you hope to be married: whatever dude.
Numbers and Names of Children: boys: london bosley or london chamberlain, girls: london ?
Describe your dream wedding: london bridge, no shoes.
How do you want to die: in my sleep? that's morbid...
Where you want to go to college: never ever.
What do you want to be when you grow up: london.
What country would you most like to visit: anywhere in europe.

Opposite sex:
Best eye color: who cares.
Best hair color: i like blondies...but i can get down with brown.
Short or long hair: short or medium. this long black metal hair has got to go. unless it's dreads...i'm down.
Best personality trait: honesty.
Best height: i think lindsey and shayna and i figured out that the best height for a boy for me would be 6'2". thanks for modeling shay!
Best weight: who cares. just bigger than me.
Best articles of clothing: cold weather accessories. scarves, mittens, hats, parkas...
Best first date location: my back seat! yeah...oh wait...gross.
Best first kiss location: alone.

I eat: at 3 or 4pm.
I am: excited.
I loathe: liars.
I adore: puppies.
I suck at: letting it go.
I am obsessed with: pretty faces.
I can: eat so many pretzels.
I can't wait: to see godspeed on the third.
I am annoyed with: the dude at the library.
I miss: my babies...you know who you are.
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