Dec 02, 2004 17:38
today was so boring. seriously. i did nothing 'cept paint my elvis scultpure, sleep, and talk. english was the most fun its ever been. we did nothing. word. me bob ray and kellon made the plot to our play. ray= king. kellon= negro knight of narzareth. bob= gypsy slut. and i am the jester. everyone dies. its such a good plot. <3
around 12:30 me and dickinson went to bretts. then left to go to the V.W. dealership. he got his lights changed. i went back to bretts for a bit. came home. rix and ang came over. rix left and me and ang went bowling. word. i think brett and i are going to start a league again. ahh, those were the days.
im have this plan of what i'm going to do tonight.
1. clean room
2. york app.
3. monmouth app.
4. x-mas shop
5. kellys house.
6. think :(
7. sleep.
if i procrastinate. i will kill myself. the end.