I think if I didn't write for a living, have a thesis I'm supposed to write, AND work on two blogs officially and two unofficially, I'd be much more likely to write in this journal. AND now that it automatically feeds to facebook unless I am quick and push the "no way jose" button, which I do not like at all...
I've been up since 5 am, and feel like I should stay up late because I can, but I really don't want to, because it would mean I should be doing productive things, like homework or drilling holes on the kitchen cabinets to finally attach the set of handles I've meant to put on since last winter. I'm also waiting for my husband to call, which I don't think he will. It makes me sad that the only person in my life who calls me without prompting is my dad who I don't really ever want to talk to.
But soon the quarter will be over, which means no more classes! My thesis will (hopefully) be done and turned in to my committee soon for them to rip apart and give back to me to rewrite, but for the most part I'll be free!
I'm looking forward to sleeping again. And getting back in shape. And sitting on my couch with a cup of tea reading a book for FUN! Or just staring out the window at the woods behind my house for more than a few stolen minutes in the early morning before I have to run off to work.
Fuck it, I'm going to bed early! Carpe Noctem! (
Seize the night!)