Perfect First Entry!

Mar 28, 2006 19:21

Dear Sid,
Love, poeticdream

So, Sidney got out again. This is the second time in the 8 months that we've lived here.

How? You ask?
Lemme tell ya.

Abby and I went downstairs to get the cork board that I wanted to hang up. Yea for organization! Speedy kept running around doing his "I'm hungry" thing, but Sid was no where to be found. I looked in the office, under the bed, out in the hall, everywhere. And, then I saw the open window in the kitchen. I didn't think she could have escaped since it wasn't open *that* much.

Oh, was I wrong.

I called Ed, since he was downstairs. I had Abby so wandering around outside wasn't a good idea. He was calling outside, I was calling for her on the deck. I heard her meow, she was on the neighboor's deck. Poor Ed climbed the rickity stairs that were almost collapsing. After a few minuets, Sid came to Ed and the whole ordel is over.

Poor Sid! She fell out a third story window! And, it looks like all she has is a scab around her mouth. She's walking and acting ok. I think she's ok.

So, are we on life 7 or 8?

Sid, I hate to say it, but you're gonna start wearing a tag :-P
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