The drama is an original story by award-winning screenwriter Satomi Oshima, who wrote for the drama “1 Litre of Tears”. The drama also stars Ayumi Ito (the actress, not ICONIQ) as the female lead. The drama itself is a love-suspense set in a very contemporary business scene about consumer electronic giants as they battle for patents over solar panels.
The cast will be filming from the end of September to the end of November, and the drama begins airing November 30th. See below for air date, cast, and other info.
■「Taiyou no Wana」 (“The Sun’s Trap”)
【Broadcast Schedule】 November 20th, 2013~December 21st, 2013
Airs every Saturday from 9:00PM to 9:58PM
【Screenwrite】 Satomi Oshima(Winner of Ichikawa Moriichi Screenplay Award)
【Music】 Ikio Izutsu
【Cast】 Nishijima Takahiro、Takashi Tsukamoto、Ayumi Ito、Toshinori Omi、Misaki Ayame、Patrick Harlan、Takeo Nakahara、Hikari Ishida、Yoshida Eisaku、Masato Ibu、and others
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