Wow. Only two days to go and we're off. I think I'm mostly packed, just all the usual electronics stuff to charge and get ready. Hardly slept at all last night, kept thinking about the climb. Tonight I need to get my Mohawk re-dyed red, and do the last few little bits of packing.
I know there are some folks following this who don't actually know me in real life, so I thought I'd do a quick intro to the bunch of crazy people I've persuaded to follow me up an active Volcano on the other side of the world!
Tim - that's me! I'm a five year Hodgkins Lymphoma survivor. I was diagnosed at a very late stage, and my prognosis wasn't that great, so to still be here now is a big deal for me! Ever since I finished chemo, I've pushed myself to get out more and do stuff I've always wanted to do, and this trip is part of that, as well as a way to give something back to the awesome Lymphoma Association.
Jen - my wonderful and long suffering Fiance. I was super happy that she decided to join me on this trip, as she was there for me throughout my treatment, so it only seems fitting that she should join me on this trip! Jen is an awesome ninja, although she's highly susceptible to cat hypnosis. Its her one weakness!!!
Lisa - Lisa is one of my best friends and is an all round awesome and inspiring person. She wrangles rare birds for a living, and is famous for only being able to swear in front of small children. Like me, she's asthmatic, so I suspect she'll be my struggle buddy when the going gets tough near the top!
Andy - Andy is a friend of ours from Sheffield. He's a climber, crazy exercise nut, and one of the most enthusiastic people I know! Hopefully he'll be able to put all that energy to good use on the mountain :)
Rich & Jo - Rich & Jo are friends of ours who run the awesome
Music Nonstop website (go there for all your alternative music needs!). Rich plays in Real Gothic with me at Whitby (a Goth football team that plays charity matches twice a year), and Jo is a super talented musical type who is in several bands!
Rich and Jo are in Japan already, they flew out last week to visit friends, so they're enjoying the awesomeness of Kyoto at the moment! The rest of us are super stoked about going, and can't wait! Bring on the adventure :)