Pennsic was utterly awesome, absolutely exhausting, and I had a great time. Thank you to all those who came up to me and said how much they liked my site or my blog, and for making me feel pretty.
Shout out to
hugh_mannity! Very nice to see you, my friend.
I had a crazy, crazy time. Hearing a bunch of people singing the chorus to Bob's songs is quite something, and sorry about Bob's finger (he shaved off a bit of the tip by accident two weeks before; the finger is okay, only a little bit of bone is missing, plus most of the nail, but it should all recover). Thanks to good friends for picking up the guitar.
We're off to a party this weekend, which will be a nice change from laundry (which is all done, but I still have to iron and put away all our clothes). After that, Bob will start again on the library. I've realized, going through my boxes, that I have a lot of very cool out-of-print books, and I want to be able to access them easily again. Soon.
I'm still recovering physically. Even though it was a lovely time, Pennsic is pretty rough on me these days. Fortunately, it didn't seem to show too much, and I'm sure the three-hour naps in the afternoon (yay for ice bags) helped. But I'm still a bit of a limp rag.
Still, it was great. Heck, it was like old home week - I saw people I haven't seen in years. It was awesome.