Jun 29, 2009 16:14
Hi friends,
My daughter is 16 months old. She's never been a fantastic napper, but in the last few months we had gotten into a pretty good routine involving a morning nap about 3 hours after she wakes, and an afternoon nap 4 hours after awakening from the morning nap. Each nap was between an hour and 1.5 hrs.
In the last 2 weeks, her daytime napping is getting pretty bad again. She takes longer to settle down, and her morning nap is much shorter than it used to be (30 to 45 minutes, down from 1 hr - 1hr 15 min). Her afternoon nap is also getting kind of messed up, with more frequent wakings, and it's shorter, too. She wakes up sometimes chipper and ready to play, and sometimes whiny. In general, her sleep is kind of devolving and she's showing some of the signs that she's not resting really well overall (SIGH - working on this on all fronts).
(Is there a sleep regression I don't know about?)
I'm wondering if maybe she would do better with a single daytime nap after lunchtime, but I don't know how to make that call and then start pushing her to stay awake through the morning.
When do children typically switch from 2x/day to 1x/day? Should I wait and see, or try to help this transition along a little bit? What did you do? What do you think about my situation?
naps: toddlers