(no subject)

Apr 30, 2009 14:41

Okay, driving 420 miles, 6 1/2 hours, and then staying in a hotel with a 3 month old...

How do I do it?!

My birth-half-sister (gosh that's confusing...I was adopted...met my birth relatives 6 years ago) is graduating high school and they are having the party on Sunday June 7th. They live in a Minneapolis suburb, us a Chicago suburb. My daughter will be 1 day shy of 3 months old. I figure we'll drive up on Saturday, party on Sunday, and drive down on Monday.

I'm probably worrying unnecessarily, but we so rarely take road trips, and I have no idea how to do one with a baby. So far at 7 weeks of age she doesn't hate the car unless something's wrong (like she's hungry or tired or needs a diaper change) and any crabbing is generally short lived. But then again, so are our car trips. She doesn't take a pacifier and I don't see her taking one any time soon.

She's breastfed, so feeding her will be as easy as pulling over for a bit (I'll be driving, my husband doesn't like to). We cloth diaper at home with a service, but I'll just use disposables for the weekend.

We co-sleep/bed-share though, her between me and the co-sleeper after her first in-bed meal at night, not between me and my husband. I feel safe that if she were to roll/scoot she would drop 3 inches into the co-sleeper and not to the floor, and my husband isn't comfortable with her between us--he doesn't trust himself. But I totally wouldn't want to lug the co-sleeper all the way up there, and by 3 months old babies could be rolling, yes? Should I get a bed rail? A portable one? The hotel room will probably have a king bed which is an upgrade from our queen, so maybe the extra space will help me feel like she's not going to fall off the bed? Or should I use one of the hotel cribs?

(And while I'm thinking of bed rails, do they make ones deep enough for a really thick queen mattress? Should I use that on our bed once she's mobile?)

What do you pack for a 3 day trip with an infant? Should I bring any over the counter medicine (I'm really not a fan of medications, but what if they're needed)? What should be accessible in the car and what can go in the trunk? Any "in case of emergency" things to bring? Aaah...I barely know how to travel just myself, let alone being responsible for another life!

co sleeping, traveling: cars

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