Dec 24, 2008 15:52
I have a puzzling problem with my 2 year old daughter. She wakes up screaming, kicking, fighting and hysterical from her naps. She wants nothing to do with me and will turn her face away or even hide behind a pillow to avoid me. If I ignore her she runs around the room wildly flinging her body onto and off the bed/chair/whatever still crying, but still refuses to allow me to engage her. This goes on for several minutes, sometimes as long as 30. The only sure-fire way I've been able to bring her out of it it to carry her struggling self downstairs and plant her in front of the TV and stuff a snack in her hands. After a few minutes she's then calm and able to talk to me/let me change her/etc. I'm not very happy with this solution and it only works if we're at home to get to the TV anyway. Doesn't work if we're out and she's fallen asleep.
Luckily this doesn't happen every single day and I'm trying to figure out if there is a pattern or a common trigger but I thought I'd check in here and see what the collective wisdom of LJ has to say as well.
naps: toddlers