PANIC! at the torrents (looking for illegal comics)

Sep 27, 2007 01:08

Um, hi? *waves hand sheepishly*

I won't bore you with the reasons why I haven't been around in the little space of LJ that I usually make noise in, but I will make time to catch up later, reading and writing while holding my breath for the SV Season 7 premiere, because OMG SMALLVILLE~!!

*sound of coherent train of thought derailing*

Slowly working through my bookmark backlog (like, one link a day) helpfully breaks the sanity-hazardous monotony of boring readings.

Cute comic panels!

Clark is so adorable in All-Star Superman!

Aw, Mercy is being sweet. I wonder what she gives Lex for Christmas.
(I forgot where I got this from and which comic this panel appears in.)

Current Events:
1. LexCorp stock value is down
2. General Zod for President

Not-So Current (2006):
1. Kara and Clark (and others)! (Note: Kara here is not the SV version, so no spoilers for S7 which I still don't know other than the guest star character addition picture that's unavoidably everywhere.)
2. "Just say no." --Lex Luthor

Now, I have to do something about those draft posts, and the fact that I let the first two episodes of House Season 3 pass me by without my noticing. *facepalms* And email
idlefire808, who just started on his recently-bought DVDs of both Supernatural seasons, that my sister and I've only watched until the funny Hollywood Babylon (2x18), in case he succeeds in spoiling me after months artful avoidance of it while LJ surfing.

smallville, graphic, other tv

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