Oh noes.

Apr 21, 2007 01:39

From stir_of_echoes:
When you see this on your flist, make a post and quote Supernatural.

"I didn't hesitate. I didn't even flinch. For you and Dad, the things I'm willing to do or kill, it's just...scares me sometimes."

--Dean to Sam, 1x22: "Devil's Trap"

It's a sentiment I share, and I don't want to be confronted with something that might attest to that in the future.

This meme reminded me of the way I collect lines from fanfic that I find particularly brilliant or moving. While I don't go looking for them (like I only visit metaquotes from time to time), I like having useful quotes for every occasion. I think I've quoted eighth_horizon's Sam and rivkat's Lex in several not-fandom-related conversations already, though I've never really divulged my sources. :D

In lieu of writing about my thoughts upon finally finishing the last few episodes of SV Season 3 (that I successfully watched without skipping scenes that lack Lex bore me), I felt like quoting fanfics that describe my life of late, and I derive amusement from the fact that the respective quotes' context is vastly different from their applicability to mine.

"...they wouldn’t expect payment for services rendered."

"I won’t add to your family’s financial burden."

"Or your own emotional one?" Clark asked softly, with just a twinge of bitterness.


"You know, this could be a profitable venture," Lex said as he followed Clark down the narrow stairs. "Rent places were people can think in quiet and peace. There's so much ambient noise in the world today. It's hard to focus, hard to find the 'me' in it all. So you escape it all by retreating to one of LexCorp's relaxation centers. We're not talking about a week in the country air or something so…protracted. People are busy for a reason. They just need an hour or two to get everything together in their heads. A spa for the brain."

"Lex?" Clark asked as they walked into the living room.


"You scare me."

Lex frowned. "It was just a thought."

"You're putting a price tag on peace and quiet."

"Yes. And?"

Clark gave a small shudder, glad his dad wasn't around to overhear the conversation. "Those things should be free."

"Often things that are supposed to be free have hidden costs that are far less affordable. Sometimes it's just…easier to pay the quoted price and avoid any sudden surprises."

And that...made sense in a cold, logical way. "Now, I'm scaring myself," Clark muttered.

--from "Time and Chance" by Dayspring

Lex has a tendency to speak in rhetorical terms when he loses sight of the big picture. He has a tendency to move, even when he's still in one place. Right now Lex needs to move. He needs to walk and move and stalk and do the things that Luthors do.

Lex needs to be a Luthor right now; he needs to have control.

--from "Random Walks of Life" by hackthis


"Everything is so temporary and fragile, and you've got to do what you can, when you can. You can understand that, don't you? Why should any of us be aloof, alone, what good does it do? We must love one another or die."
--from part of the Bittersweets series, "Where They Have To Take You In" by herself_nyc_fic (Yeah, I know the last line is a WH Auden quote, but I was too carried away reading the fic to notice at the time.)

"You have to feel that way about yourself," he managed. "That you're... that you're worth something. That you've got something worthy to give."

It's the only way you can possibly deserve what others are willing to give you.
--from "The Dead Walk" (WIP) by thedeadlyhook

Harry Potter (post-OotP denial fic!)

It was not merely that did he not want to; if that had been the single impediment, that knowledge was so deeply engraved into his flesh now that it could not help but flow out. In fact, he simply was not able to speak such a dearly bought truth. Nothing in his life had taught him how.
--from "Back In Black" by Kalena

For something less melancholy and more "high-brow, elevated, uplifting," you'd never know they could be found in chat convos on SV porn. *geeks out*

And have some Ten Inch Hero icons!

*feels fortified enough to look at the latest SV spoilers*

smallville, fanfic, supernatural, moobee, rl talk, graphic, other tv

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