I didn't notice how busy I got until I start typing the letter "L" on the address bar and it's NOT my own LJ that shows up as the first link that comes out in the browser History. Well, I've tried to keep track of the Marvel movies fandoms (along with the Sherlock Holmes, Naruto and ATLA fandoms) when I can, but I might as well just post my Fb account here for all the internet social activities I've been doing just to put out the info that the owner of this journal is still alive. *smiles sheepishly*
Not that I am actually active, yet I'm a bit tentative to start hanging out at LJ again, because the surge of RL social activity could limit my fandom time. For it may come as a thoroughly shocking news (it still is to me), but I've made a goal to start going on romantic dates. Based on 26 years of non-experience, I have no idea how this will turn out, so it's exciting times for everyone. Wish me luck!
Anyway, I'm still adjusting to having a new laptop (because my parents are tired of seeing me squint at my almost-2-yr-old HP mini), so in lieu of an actual post, here's some links to awesome stuff I've recently read:
- What made me risk going to this virtual black hole of a website: a feature on one of my favorite writers!
TV Tropes entry on G. K. Chesterton - What humbled me so much that I have to watch out for my ego whenever I get worked up over reactive vitriol from what is thought to be Catholic Church bigotry on homosexuality: a blog post by a gay Catholic!
What did you expect? - What blew my mind, because redemption is apparently my favorite genre in anything ever: an article/discussion on Sci-Fi and Religion!
Faith and the Scientific Imagination - What caused me to squee in celebration: a wonderfully hilarious fan work making its way to the actor that inspired it!
Link to an interview of Tom Hiddleston - What is so fantastically amazing, I think it deserves as much attention as
Peter Jackson's production videos on The Hobbit: BROTR comics!
THE BROSHIP OF THE RING I can't find the compilation of links to the respective deleted scenes from the Thor and X-Men: First Class DVDs, but they are also replete with awesome and totally worth Googling. :D