Notes recently posted on Ansalon:
Sent on Sun Nov 27 01:15:30 2005
Original text follows->
*dusts off his hat and climbs up on the soap box*
Hey all, It was recently brought to our attention that there are several out of
theme items floating around out there. This is a dragonlance mud, and we try to
pride ourselves on our theme and RP. Now, while I understand the festive spirit
associated many holidays, and that the players look forward to fun goodies like
Christmas, Easter, Halloween, etc fun stuff, There is a definite line that some
of you have been crossing. For example, Things that are clearly festive like an
easter basket, or christmass present are fine, things like a machine gun or a used
condom are never acceptable. Every immortal gets the ability to restring, and
like all immortal commands, we expect that it will be used responsibly.
It is starting to get a bit out of hand and has to stop now.
Again, I understand that from time to time you all like to cut loose and goof
around. I have no problem at all with that. If you want to make joke items,
That is fine, but they must not end up on the general mud in the hands of
players. It is my understanding that some of you have been approached about
this in the past and have been resistant. So I want to be clear about this.
We are not requesting that you stop, we are instructing you that it is
inappropriate and telling you to stop. Its not really open for debate.
So, if it continues two things will happen. The first is that if I see the item
on a player, It will be confiscated and destroyed. I am going to give the players
warning as soon as this note is posted. In the end, it will be your fault for
stringing it that way. The second, is that to deal with the repeated abuse of
restrings, I will revoke the command, and any related commands, such as extrabit,
wearbit, from the offending immortal etc, until responsible use of immortal
commands has been demonstrated.
I really hate having to post a note like this, please don't make it any harder
then it is. We are not asking all that much. Be responsible and use your heads.
[ 43] Majere: Announcement
Sun Nov 27 01:29:59 2005
To: all
Hey everyone,
I hate to do it, but there is something that you all need to be aware of. As you
all know, this is a Dragonlance themed MUD which strongly encourages rp.
Consitent with that, you will not find rooms with descriptions saying they are
spaceships, nor should you find items that are machineguns. While we understand
the festive spirit and looking forward to holiday giftpacks, there is a fairly
obvious line that needs to be drawn. It has recently been brought to my
attention that some of you are running around with items that are GROSSLY out of
theme. For example, none of you should be running around with a helmet restrung
to a used condom. Now, I realize it is not your fault, as at some point, an
immortal had to string that item. Nobody is in trouble, but It needs to stop.
The rest of the staff has been made aware of the situation. To facilitate
putting and end to it, I am going to ask any and all of you with items that are
clearly over the line, to turn them in for a more appropriate string. However,
after 1 week, I will begin "eating" them, and no refunds will be made. I shouldn't
have to mention that you should no longer request outrageous strings as I
assure you my appetite is insatiable.
Anyway, I hope you will all understand, and that when all is said and done,
this will not be a huge problem.
[ 44] Chislev:
Sun Nov 27 13:11:27 2005
To: all
I want to post you all a reminder notice.
Send your IC or In-room logs to ansalonrp@hotmail. Us IMMs will review them
and assign them points based on style, eloquence, and content... And the
big one.. Contribution to global forward plot advancement.
I will be updating them monthly at the end of the month. Then, the first of
the month, if you want to spend your points, go for it.
These logs serve multiple purposes. They allow you players to flush out the
world more with your own places and hangouts. But it also gives us IMMS a
great idea of whats going on so we can tailor our quests, activities and
even headlines more towards your
wants and needs.
Thank you guys! The logs are an endless pleasure to us. And also remember,
if you want anything submitted to the player zone on the website, just email
me at
Thanks guys!