Apr 11, 2015 00:31

СЕГОДНЯ подобрал газету и прочитал статью о велосипедистке, которую оштрафовали за отсутствие звонка.

Сумма штрафа была $110. Полицейский, наложивший штраф, сказал, что она может избежать штрафа, если оспорит его в суде и принесёт с собой звонок. Рэнди тотчас отправилась в магазин и купила звонок. Однако дальше случилось так, что она до суда переехала на другую квартиру, об изменении адреса суду не сообщила и повестку суда не получила. В отсутствие истца суд приговорил её к штрафу. Через несколько месяцев Рэнди узнала, что сумма штрафа выросла до $185, за неуплату штрафа ей начислили два штрафных балла, и действие её водительских прав было приостановлено.

Штрафы за отсутствие звонка, похоже, накладывают и в других провинциях.

David Eby, executive director of the B.C. Civil Liberties Association, with a $100 ticket he was given for not having a bell on his bike.

Конец злоключений Рэнди закономерен. So she paid the fine and fixed the issues with her licence. “As far as I’m concerned, I should be totally kosher with MTO,” Beers said.

MTO - Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. Вот общее описание ПДД для велосипедистов Онтарио.

Licence and registration
Bicycles do not require:
licence plates
vehicle insurance
a driver's licence
People of all ages can ride a bike.

Rules of the road
As a cyclist, you must share the road with others (e.g., cars, buses, trucks, motorcycles, etc.).
Under Ontario's Highway Traffic Act (HTA), a bicycle is a vehicle, just like a car or truck.

must obey all traffic laws
have the same rights and responsibilities as drivers
cannot carry passengers - if your bicycle is only meant for one person

Riding on the right
You must stay as close to the right edge of the road whenever possible, especially if you're slower than other traffic.

Where you can ride
You can ride on most roads, except:
controlled access highways, such as Ontario's 400-series highways
across a road within a pedestrian cross-over - you must walk your bike to the other side

В другом месте прочитал расширенный комментарий Правил.

These laws are part of the Highway Traffic Act (HTA). As a cyclist, you need to know:
Your bike is a vehicle. If you are riding it, you have rights and responsibilities on the road.
You have to stop at red lights.
You have to stop at stop signs.
You have to stop for pedestrians.
You have to ride in the same direction as traffic.
You can ride in any part of a lane. You do not have to move if you do not feel safe.
Stop for school busses when they indicate.
Stop 2 metres behind streetcar doors
You can’t ride on the highway
You need to ride on the road and avoid sidewalks. There are bike lanes on some streets, but they may be unsafe, so try to be aware while you are riding. If you feel unsafe, ride on the sidewalk.

In Ontario, all bikes, by law, must have:
A bell or horn.
A front light and back light (or front and back reflector strips)
Proper brakes.

If you are under 18 years old, you have to wear a helmet.
What happens if I break these laws?
You will be fined. Each law has a different fine if you break it.
To see how much you will be fined if you break a certain law, check this online list by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation.

Надо поискать звонок. Я знаю, был один на старом велосипеде, который валяется в шэке на бэкъярде. Если не найду тот, надо купить новый. Зачем мне штрафы, зачем неприятности с МТО? С ним надо быть абсолютно кошерным.

Канада, велосипедисты, Онтарио, Торонто

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