Long time no post

Aug 13, 2006 02:35

Ok- so most of you have read that I have posted to another LJ address. (I had to make it grandma friendly.) But now I am not interested in sharing with them....just all you.

It's been a long week. I am sorting out the job transfer, we recieved all of earthly possesions and I am trying to get things on track. We are living in a box jungle right now and I am under some anxiety to get unpacked since I don't think Richard quite realizes how much stuff we own and how many square feet we have downsized.

I am upset with the way things were packed though. They destroyed some of our bookshelves. I am very displeased about that as they were brand new getting on the truck and bearly usable when we recieved them. There are currently hundreds of books littering my living room floor.

In addition, they have shattered some of my dishes. They used my clothing as packing material. (Say audious to my nice kimono and evening gowns!) Oh it's so frustrating, I am pretty pissed.

On top of all that we've been a little homesick as we are missing GenCon. I hope you all had fun and you will have to post and let me know. I wish we could have been there. It just would have cost us over a grand to get there. *sigh*

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