Friday Five

May 26, 2006 10:17

New feature to Rick's LJ. Every friday there will be a post with 5 questions via thefridayfive. check it out and feel free to join in the q&a fun!

1. How many places have you lived in your life?  2, school and Home
2. Which was your favorite and why and what street was it on?  I like my home because it's a nice size and it's comfortable, it's on Butler Ave
3. If you could live anywhere for the rest of your life, where would it be? I would live in Italy, I don't know why, but it seems nice
4. What would your ideal home have in it?  Not a whole lot, just really the essentials, I don't want a lot of stuff
5. Can you describe your current crib? well, it's the house that I have lived in my whole live.  My room is rather small and cluttered with stuff.  It's basically your standard 1 story inner ring suburb house.  I don't know, I'm not good at describing.
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