(no subject)

Oct 27, 2007 02:52

I live my life through visual representations of it in my mind.  That's just how I see the world, as one giant piece translated into various mediums.  Say for instance that someone said the word, "Tomato."  An auditory person might see the word t-o-m-a-t-o.  A visual learner could visualize the tomato.  However, you say tomato and I visualize a tomato painted onto a canvas using oil paints with a range of colors from the deep orange red and green sides slightly shifting in the shadows to the white reflection of the light hanging above your kitchen sink.  There is a certain beauty to everything, even sadness.  I also believe that as you travel down your path in life, you come across something that catches your eye, even if only once.  A glimmer that there is something more than the mundane office job you keep and the bland coffee you drink every morning because you believe you need it in order to "wake up" and get on with the day.  If only once, you might stop and see something, be it the dewdrop on a leaf that just happens to catch a single glimmer of light as the sun reaches through the trees or a that certain cloud that reminds you of memories long forgotten.  For me, as an artist, I see beauty captured in many ways.  Paintings and photographs with an image so beautiful frozen in time to be preserved and interpreted by various sets of eyes.  Today I sat fairly low-key.  Not really leaving the room and trying to keep to myself and my thoughts.  I stumbled upon a girl's deviantART page and, well I don't even have words that could begin to describe what I felt.  I am not a photographer by trade and never have really looked into it much so I don't know even half of what it is to be one.  However, this girl's photos were so astounding and captivating that I could not look away.  It is not so much the compositions that got me, even if they were amazing, but rather what is captured in each models eyes.  Every emotion, every thought that could possibly go through their mind was clearly presented in a time capsule that could not be touched.  Even now I can't help but stare, dumbfounded at the beauty in it all.  I feel as though every artist will find another artist that captivates them so much they can't help but feel obsessed.  I could not tell you how she does it, but just something about the way she photographs her models intrigues me.  It is not truly an obsession as it is an inspiration to capture the same beauty the world gives to use in my own means.  A refreshing step back from my work to re-evaluate it and perfect it in any possible means.   
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