My hands are covered in paste.

Dec 14, 2011 01:00

Q1: What band did Paul, to whom 4 souls are owed, plug so harddddd on Jonathan Ross' show last weekend?

(A: My shit band that nobody likes!)

Q2: What band just had a second London show added to their this-is-fucking-mental selling out (literally!) tour?

(A: My shit band that nobody likes!)

Q3: Who has an album coming out in 6 days,
With ALBUM ART done by a Jedi Knight?!

(A: My shit band that nobody likes!)

Did you get an perfect score?! I'll bet you did. How GORGEOUS is that album art?! Tyler, mate, we are done up about it. And that hand-writey font is a font he made from my hand-writing! How genius is that?! Hopefully it'll be all over the place and everyone will realize how brilliant he is and we'll be able to afford that trip to Coruscant we've been talking about.

We're having a press thing/listening party on Friday that's pretty much on lockdown, but being billed, to Capitol (Aw yeahh!) We aren't playing that night, thank god, if only because we've been instructed to 'whore ourselves to death' with the guest list that's rolling out. Looks like my 'repeating the answers to the same questions over and over' skills I perfected while at SugarApe turned out to be quite convenient.

Got a doggie date with Jones tomorrow morning, and wrangled the Thursday afternoon off to help his other half shop for Christmas. Who - surprise, darling mine - has also unknowingly agreed to come and help me decide on which of the 3 dresses I have on hold for Friday night is best. Which is clearly very important, so hopefully he arrive coherent enough to formulate an opinion. Recap: that is •If you're dating Jones and •you should show up for shopping on Thursday not cunted and you •will be rewarded with pies and pints. Thus ends our Public Service Announcement.

I think I can get my hands on 2 or 3 passes if you aren't on our press list (I know a magazine who needs another review now that our album is coming out. AHEM.) Let me know if you want me to try for them. And you,too, come and pretend to be famous, like we now do for a living. Or to be my date when Joey is still refusing to play nice after I had Nate taking him shopping last weekend. :::::::D Spider eyes of GLEE, things are going so well lately and Eeee! not even Christmas! Okay. Back to finishing wrapping/making the last of my presentsssssss!

excited ad nauseam, point: strays!, band shit, tyler!, jedi academy, team strays, random acts of badassery

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