Oh god I have had too much to drink tonight but god DAMN you guys we signed with this mate of Paul's who works at Empire Management, where Paul is also signed. His name is Sebastian and he is a a bit ginger and actually someone we've come to like while talking to himM (mega fun: Sebastian also handles Lilly Allen so here's hoping we get to deal with her at some point. Or at least hear all sorts of amazing shit about what she's like!) We are also very excited because Seb really likes our EP - or at least did a fucking bang up job of convincing us - and already came to us with lots of very cool ideas. Thank fucking God someone who knows what they're doing because we clearly have no idea what we're doing. Sigh of excited relief.
And Nate said the contract looked solid. And Paul trusts him. And we know that Paul probably lost in earnings what we make in a year (collectively) working with us and for unknown reasons "adores" us, so that is a solid reference. We feel...very good. I also might feel very good because Noodleface just filled me with enough booze to preserve me for life. Treacherous cab ride home.
Two resolutions down, an album and a contract to go. Queen B reigns on. XP
And before I go, come on, this earns at LEAST one B freakout gif.
And now I'm going to wake up aforementioned import and shag the life celebrate with him. :) Hoooowllllllllll