Nov 19, 2010 03:04
So. Let's get this out of the way: No, I don't work at SA anymore. No, I wasn't fired. No, I didn't quit. Yes, it was an amicable decision for me not to come back. It's a good decision for me, really try and focus on the band and moving forward from there. The End.
And in other news, Sugar Ape Magazine has a job opening in the Music Dept.
Saw Lin on Tuesday night for a rather spectacular piss up. Haha, that man can hold his fucking liquor, it's a bit ridiculous. But I think we rather deserve some sort of congratulating for the amount of large empty bottles by night's end. I'm glad I have one unemployed mate to force into socializing with me. :)
Trying to focus on the upside of not being in the office every day, because as much as I wanted to sometimes set everyone there on fire...I liked it. In a horrible masochistic at-least-I've-got-you-two sort of way. Sleeping and not being a miserable zombie-person is a definite plus. Getting to actually see Jo when I'm not half-distracted at the studio or drooling on his shoulder on the weekends. Though I do think he rather likes that a bit, at least I'm quiet. Strangely enough I even ran into Mr. Flash Rivers himself today shopping for wine (instead of groceries, whevs) and we killed a couple of bottles of Chilean Petit Verdot talking about the finer things in life. Music(al theater!), dressing like a twat, and overpriced red wine to be exact.
Not a bad couple of days if I say so myself. Now if only I could get the snoring symphony to stfu maybe I could get to sleep.
wanna be a rock star,
shut up lets just get drunk,
twirling forever,
98 problems,
sometimes im an idiot,
here we go,
this is why i like you