Jun 03, 2004 15:59
There is no dream from which we don?t eventually awaken.
It's the nightmares from which we can't always wake up.
If there were a way, I would take it.
Because I got just what I wanted.
What worse fate can there be than a dream coming true?
When you get what you want and can't get rid of it
When for all the world you need to?
I don't want what I've got anymore.
Every broken deal
Every empty promise
Every stab in the back
Brought me closer to my final revenge on the system.
I did it all for me
I did it all for her
I did it all for love
And my reward was the system's final revenge on me.
I would have given my life for you, let alone never harm you
But my reputation made me impossible for you to trust
I was done and retired
But you thought you were next.
Even flowers are threatening when they are coming from me.
You hate me, you stab me, you force me to make your fear come true.
I'm not a hero.
I'm not even human.
I am the system.
Every broken deal
Every empty promise
Every stab in the back
Brought me closer to my final revenge on the system.
I did it all for me
I did it all for you
I did it all for love
And my reward was the system's final revenge on me.
So... what do you think? feedback?