Jul 27, 2007 11:32
I'm going to a wedding this weekend. It's the first one I've been to since Mr A & I separated, which I think will be wierd. I feel an introspective post-wedding couple of days coming on :/
Other things that make me less keen on attending this wedding are:
- it's in Yorkshire. Which would ordinarily be lovely but means a 5 hour trip each way.
- the only people I will know there apart from the bride are 2 girls I went to school with who I was previously very happy to be thinking that I would never have to spend any more time with in my life.
- originally the Boy and I were planning to go together. Luckily that fell through quite a while ago as he is on cricket tour this weekend, but nonetheless I expect it will feel odd as a result.
However, I'm going to gird my loins and go because the girl getting married is one of my oldest friends. She's been married before too but neither of us managed to make the other's weddings. So, as she says, third time lucky :) I will be very happy to see her setting off on married life with her new chap as he is very lovely and just what she needs. And if I have to deal with a little bit of introspection as a result, then so be it. *nods*
navel gazing