Friends Cut

Aug 29, 2009 22:25

I've debated on this and decided to remove a few of you from my friends lists. I've realized there is no positives in keeping, only the possibility of getting hurt more. If any of you had wanted to move on you could have put on your big girl pants and said so and this could have ended on a better note. Instead of either sending nasty emails when you promised you wouldn't or making snide tweets that only you and the friends you showed think is appropriate. It only results in unnecessary hurt and drama. With friends like you, who needs enemies. I'm through putting my energy into friends who cause harm "for the lulz" and I'll put my energy towards friends who take the time to care and listen and not into friends that dissapear for two months and pop up when it's convienent or they need something. Friendship is not a one way street. Also, the only phone calls I have ever ignored are from my parents. I didn't want the delusion out there that I wouldn't answer a call from someone close on purpose. For those that were conveniently not told when the email was passed around, I called 3 times..Cell..Home...Cell...didn't leave a message because I was bawling my eyes out. I guess that was selfish of me and crazy for thinking that anyone would think it was important.

It was fun while it lasted and I'll miss the old times. It's a shame it couldn't have been different and I wish you all the best.
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