jonnytuna was kind enough to show me how close I live to the peaceful canal only few minutes by bike from my house. I really wished that I'd brought my camera with me. Today I have the whole day off and so I went back and took some pictures. Unfortunatly it was a little too sunny to get good pictures but maybe you can still see that some parts of
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and nice girl (says rainer :)
hello from us two! :)
Say hello to Rainer too.
iam just courious how it will work with my onlineshop, i will start with human hair and tools for doing extensions, and of corse hairpieces and wigs, hope it will work... :) would be great, i need money and holidays !
btw.dont remember i already ask you this, but andy will be in london in the begin of octobre, is it ok when i give him your handynumber? so he can call you for go out together...
Of course you can give Andy my number, it's always nice to know people in foreign citys. It would be nice if you came to visit sometime as well :-)
And thanks a lot for the hello :-D
Just wait until i come up with my vacation photos.
Including Finland AND Switzerland. And everything in between.
You will be SO bored :-)
But you can of course take a look at my other/older pics as long as they're online at if you haven't seen them, yet.
Side note: I think I'll retire this .mac-account soon, because it's not worth the money. But OTOH I haven't found an elegant solution to keep this galery-thingy intact. Phew!
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