Nov 08, 2003 22:41
Last time you...
-Smiled? i am smiling right now
-Laughed? around 10pm when ryan was making fun of me at the desk
-Cried? ????? not sure, can't remember
-Bought something? i bought taco bell for lunch, non-food i bought "mittens for your feet" at Walmart
-Danced? in the parking lot with maggie yesterday
-Were sarcastic? can't remember
-Hugged someone? today, i hugged kerri around 9:15pm
-Talked to an ex? i don't have one
-Watched your favorite movie? i don't know what my favorite movie is, but i have watched alot of finding nemo lately
-Had a nightmare? don't remember
-Last book you read: reading "Martin Malcolm and America" for REL140H
-Last movie you saw: finding nemo
-Last phone number you called: my own from the desk
-Last show you watched on TV:i think that one show where they put the two people's stuff together cause they just got married, it was a couple of days ago
-Last thing you had to drink: i'm drinkin' dr. pepper right now
-Last time you showered: yesterday morning, i woke up late today and didn't have time, oh well.
-Last thing you ate: a starburst
Do You....
1. Smoke? NO
2. Do drugs? NO
3. Sleep? not enough
4. Have Sex with stuffed animals? NO!!! who made this question up?
5. Have a crush? of course
6. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nope
7. Have a dream that keeps coming back? not really
8. Play an instrument? yes-2, flute and tuba
9. Believe there is life on other planets? don't really think about it
10. Remember your first love? never had one
11. Still love him/her? previous answer
12. Read the newspaper? sometimes
13. Have any gay or lesbian friends? yes
14. Is it possible to remain faithful forever? yes
15. Do you Consider yourself tolerant of others? yes
17. Consider police a friend or foe? friend
18. Like the taste of alcohol? no
19. Believe in magic? not sure
20. Believe in God? YOU BET I DO!!!!
21. Have any secrets? yes...shhhhhhh
22. Have any pets? a cat
23. Do well in school? i wish i did better, but it seems that i would rather play in leaves and puddles than study like a good student
24. Go to or plan to go to college? CMU
25. Have a degree? i'm thinking of elementary special education for the mentally impaired
26. Talk to strangers who instant message you? no
27. Wear hats? only my cool blue one from target, it actually fits over my head and doesn't smush my hair too much
28. Have any piercings? yes
29. Have any tattoos? n
30. Hate yourself? not really, although sometimes i say it if i am mad at myself
31. Have a horny spot? no
32. Get horny easily? no
33. Have a best friend? yes
34. Wish on stars? occasionally
35. Like your handwriting? sometimes
36. Care about looks? a bit
37. Believe in Satan? yes
38. Believe in ghosts? ????
39. Believe in Santa? not anymore
41. Trust others easily? yeah
42. Like sarcasm? it's not bad all the time, sometimes it's funny
43. Take walks in the rain? oh i wish it was warm and raining, mmmmmmm...
44. Kiss with your eyes closed? yes
45. Sing in the shower? all the time
46. Own handcuffs? no
47. Have any scars? yes
50. Are you finished? well seeing as to how it is the last question...yes