I'm making a new resources post because my old deleted eljay did the first one, and I'm unable to edit it.
Also, any applicants for affiliates- please post your iconjournal here with a few samples of your work (at least three, please), and I'll mutually affiliate you as soon as possible! <3
phaantasiaownthesunshinereyesphile_chaoticfaeewanism_yunhechaosgraphicshanakopieminlelymarquesbleedblack_rscrubber_dickcaffeine_mindsemptyyourlifefrictionallytearjerkericonslelymarquesmagicaltrionachtgraubrokendogmacolorfilternokitasunwastedcielo_iconsjouninsIf I have forgotten to credit you, most of my resources come from users at
100x100texturestexturize and
icon_extras If you see something you've done on here, and I have forgotten to credit you, PLEASE tell me so you can get your proper dues!
I try to credit whenever possible, however, and anything not credited on this post is credited on the actual post which uses the resources.
Credited images are on the post which uses them.
Other places I get my images:
cap_itthephotoboxphotocelebrity HELPFUL GUIDES / TUTORIALS
I have no created any tutorials as of yet. Any requests will be accepted!
Occasionally I learn from the great users over at
psd_tuts.this table was coded by
jellobag AFFILIATES:
Here are
atriumlupus's affiliates, plus examples of their work.
rabuicons ->
peramouricons ->
tearjerkericons ->