Jan 28, 2005 16:18
Yeah well today was the worst day of my entire life. It all started in math when we were in groups... I was with Krista and Luke.. and Krista had opened her notebook and it was on the side of her desk.. And ya'll know how she is like my best friend in Simpson and all.. And I dono what the hell I would do without her.. [And I get that feeling when people talk about me beind my back a lot, and when I find out they do, it makes me feel even worse].. well yeah.. I was being nosy [which i wish I hadn't]... And It was a note between Krista and someone else.. and in krista's handwriting, she was talking shit about me! So when I asked Cattie to see if it was HER and krista, she said no, but I started crying in the middle of the hallway... Then in history I told Elissa and Rachel about it.. which made me cry even more.. Then when I got to gym class.. I noticed that I had forgotton my gym clothes at home, and the only pants I could wear were Ashley's. I put them on.. and what do you know? They say freaking "Aeropostle" on them.. Then everyone in the class started calling me a prep.. because Krista had said it first.. then when everyone had stopped, she continued.. [It seems like when I'm in a bad mood she purposly finds something to make me mad and won't stop with it.] so yeah... Rachel was the only one that didn't make fun of me... Then I finally got on the bus.. I sat next to Ian, which made me feel a lot better because he is really nice to me.. Robert said he would draw me a picture, so I feel really loved.. And Me and Ian went off on these two black chicks, because they were being fucking gay with their blackness and fucking ebonics... So yeah.. today was the fucking worst day ever.