(no subject)

Apr 04, 2007 14:02

I'm soooooo savouring the freedom rite now! no more assignments, projects or quizzes for the next three months!!!WOOHOO!!

Just finished my exams today, the last paper didn't really went so well, i just hope i could make it through it, that is i do not have to repeat that paper again. I'll be heading back home tomorrow's night, just bought the bus ticket earlier on.

By the way i think i did well in my FYP presentation that i mentioned in my last post. Somehow it turns out to be another hilarious presentation again, and i love the lecturers and especially my supervisor for not making it hard for me and my partner. Thanks for all your lovely wishes in the last post. I really really appreciate it =)

I'll be staying at home for the next three months, so adios college. Though it's not all holiday as i shall be starting my internship training on April 10th somewhere near to my house. I've picked the company that i'll be working at on the purpose so that i could stay at home with my parents, i really miss living with them, but i'm going to dearly miss my friends here too, and i already am actually, been saying goodbye to some of my friends already. I cannot imagine how will it be when we're gonna leave each other for good once we graduate from this university. It's gonna be sad for sure.

By the way i did this banner about a few days ago, just some random quotes that i found and the picture of actress Jena Malone. Enjoy!

I really miss doing graphics!!

BTW if you are looking for a great movie to watch, go watch Blood Diamond! The movie is really really great!

blood diamond, banner, internship training, fyp, life

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