Jul 17, 2003 02:57
i am supposed to be sleeping. im sorry matt. i no tired, but im going to bed right after im done writing this, i promise. plus, i had to step up on the coolness latter by updating my journal. anyways, people are so great once you find the right ones. they make me smile. i like cookies...but im not hungry. i wish i was hungry so i could eat cookies. i can have peoples over friday and saturday, so all you guys'es can come both days if ya want. i look so punk-rawk right now. i wanna go to a show...but not while looking this punk-rawk. id proly get my fuggin ass kikked at the shows i wanna go to. i swam in our ghey pool thing today with my little bro. it was def ghey but i had fun chilling with my bro. ihavent been doing that a lot lately. i hella miss my fam. brittani we gonna chill sometimes over the summer i swear. even if i havta walk to pennsylvania. my eyes hurt from the light of hte puter. puters are fat like that. i think i actually feel kinda tired now. thas weird. ima go try to sleep now peace and <3
and,wow, comparing your mom to your computer...oh gah! brittani you the greatest.